Speech-Language Pathologist
PROMPT Certified
SOS Trained
OMT Trained

Ever since Shannon can remember she has loved being around babies and small children. She considers it a privilege to be able to help them, many of whom have beginnings as she did. Shannon was born at 24 weeks gestation, weighing only 1 pound 7 ounces. She stayed in the NICU for 3 months and had several surgeries. She is thankful for her life which she credits as being saved by the grace of God and expertise of her medical team. Her difficult beginnings prompt in her a gratitude for life and knowledge that she is (as we all are) here for a purpose. She loves fulfilling part of that purpose in her career as a speech therapist helping children and families thrive through building increased communication and social interaction.
Shannon graduated Summa Cum Laude from Hardin-Simmons University with a Bachelor of Behavioral Science in Speech-Language Pathology in May 2013. She then went on to complete her Master of Science degree in Communication Disorders at the University of Texas at Dallas where she graduated in August 2015. She has gained extensive knowledge and experience in treating speech disorders through a motor perspective during her time at WalkEZ TalkEZ and through attending PROMPT trainings. She is delighted to have obtained her PROMPT Certification in July 2023 and is one of only a handful of PROMPT Certified clinicians in the state of Texas. The SOS Approach to Feeding workshop also helped to widen her experience in the treatment of feeding from a sensory perspective, and she has learned more about oral musculature and movement though a Beckman Oral Motor course. In addition, she has taken classes regarding Tethered Oral Tissues, including a 28-hour Introduction to Orofacial Myology course approved by the IAOM. Shannon continually seeks new learning opportunities in order to provide a more thorough knowledge base from which to treat children. She considers it a joy to be a part of the WalkEZ TalkEZ team and would love to work with your child.